Saturday, April 4, 2009

Dazed and Confused

I have another idea. I think that I am going to pick different song titles to be the titles of my posts. I'm starting with a little led zeppelin Dazed and Confused, from their debut album Led Zeppelin 1. I chose this title because I am still sick and the cough syrup that I am taking, in conjunction with the hot toddies that I have been drinking, have made me a little out of it for the last couple days. By the way, hot toddy = hot water, shot of whiskey and a bunch of honey ... super good. So yeah, I really like music, and that will probably spill over into my posts ... as I will most likely discuss music at various points of time.

I want to make it clear that my writing on this blog and my ideas may not be the best. I am hoping to use this to develop both my writing and ideas, especially when it comes to expressing my ideas and conveying them well. So any help, ideas or comments will be greatly appreciated. Awesome.

Here are some things that I've said yes to in the last few months:
- got a tattoo (wolf paw on my right leg)
- doing a half iron man (Sept 13 in Huntsville)
- learning how to better ride a bike ... especially in the city
- learning to play the fiddle (taking lessons)
- starting a blog
- doing a half marathon in may
- training with the rowing team (which lead to my ankle sprain, which may prevent me from doing the half marathon ... although probably not, as I'll do my best to complete even if it takes me a super long time)
- baking (I've been doing a lot of this ... trying to make new and interesting things ... a couple weeks ago I made a custard tart covered with berries ... super good!)

So yeah, it's not too much but it is a start. Alright, I need to go mark some assignments.

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